Saturday, December 27, 2008

Good Grief, Oct. 10!

I hate the thought of my blogs dying one by one. But, hey, time goes by, interests change, you forget, you go on. I have several others, not just with this posting name. They're dead and gone, because I'm not returning to them. Maybe BOY LEG deserves a slight continuation.

I saw some months ago -- then was reminded of it while wandering the women's clothing aisles at a local store -- that Boy Leg is a term that describes some sort of women's clothing thing. What, precisely, I don't know. It's a good thing to look up next time interest in it hits me.

Last posting on Oct. 10 means I skipped Halloween, Fall in general, everything of November, Thanksgiving, everything leading up to and encompassing Christmas. Probably just as well, since my opinions on those subjects fall solidly in the mainstream. Halloween, I never dress up, nor do I have a lot of interest in it. Thanksgiving has to be the major holiday of which there's the least amount of stuff to say about it. Something nebulous about being thankful. Christmas has lots of points of interest and personal stories.

We have invested Christmas with so much meaning that any little slight, any little family squabble is greatly magnified. Don't mess with Christmas. You can't get depressed and skip it, because if you do, forever after that's the year you got depressed and skipped Christmas! You really can't do anything out of the ordinary at Christmas, because it's a matter of family legend and lore that you won't escape ever. Christmas is really a time for being middle of the road, in what you say, in behavior, in attitudes, everything.

There was one "Christmas From Hell" when I was a kid, of which I shall not relate any details. It was over 40 years ago. I ignorantly tried to tell someone about it the other day and broke down in tears literally 5 seconds in, and I am not a crier. That was a Christmas that got messed with, and you don't forget.

I was involved in a family squabble of sorts this year -- this very year -- a few days before Christmas -- then it spilled over into an argument the day after Christmas. Long story short, it's not resolved yet. I was partially to blame on this deal, and I have no doubt whatsoever, this Christmas, insofar as it's remembered at all, will be remembered for this one incident. And I'm the one guy in the world who knows better.

Anyway, we'll leave it there. This will be my post for December. All the best to everyone around the world for a Happy New Year. We're getting rid of Bush so it has to be happier than the others.