Sunday, August 15, 2010

Contemporary Worship Services

I've gone to a church for a couple of weeks, to their "contemporary" service.

What can you say?

The guys up there playing guitars are really good at it, but I'm already a little sick of watching them slash away at their guitars in great excitement. I haven't got any big criticism of them, but it's not really doing much to make me spiritually inspired. It's watching some guys play guitar, piano, bass, violin, and whatever.

It may as well be an old fashioned organ buried away somewhere, where you don't have to watch it as a performance thing.

The songs are all the usual sorts of stuff you might expect, God's glory, how glorious one's experience is, 'I was low in the pits before you go a hold of me, but now I'm a jolly person,' etc. The big difference between these songs and the old songs is they're "contemporary." Some of the old time composers didn't leave a lot of space for fancy guitar work.

One of the guitar players really gets into it. Today I was thinking about how calloused his fingers must be. Also I was thinking about how it must've been when he first picked up the guitar and started strumming, then how he started to learn. I was thinking how he made great progress along the way, practicing like the devil, until he was good enough, yet ever learning. I was thinking, 'I wonder if he's a regular at the music store,' always checking out the latest in guitars, maybe even owning a really good guitar. I was thinking how much practice he must do to stay really good, to come across so good on Sunday morning. I don't especially like watching him.

The other guitar player is an older guy. He also knows how to boogie down. I'm thinking many of the things I thought about the first guy, when he came to know he had proficiency at it. I'm also thinking of how motivated they are, apparently, to really put on a good show for us. This guy has the extra responsibility of saying all the prayers in the church. They're very ordinary, conversational prayers, albeit keeping some level of distance and arm's length adoration toward God.

As for me, I try to enter in ... or at least exclude these guys so I can get my own focus ... but that's not always an easy thing to do. I'd probably be better off staying home, to tell you the truth. I like the communal aspects of spirituality, but if you're unknown there, it doesn't make much difference.

This particular church isn't going to be my church. But, you know, God bless 'em.