Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Suddenly Fashionable!

I read an interesting article today, that suddenly its fashionable not to wash your jeans. That's great news, becaue I get a lot of guff about wearing my jeans so long "they're able to stand up by themselves." I hate hearing that complaint, but it's true.

Recently, though, since I got a new washing machine in June, and the novelty hasn't worn off yet, I've been washing them more often. It does seem kind of nice to have them fresh and new feeling, but it's not necessary to my happiness.

In the last few days, I've been keeping them on longer. So if a popsicle piece falls, that's a little stain. And I also got some grass stains a couple days ago from working on the yard. But I've still got them on.

I'm never in fashion, as far as I know. I don't even know what the fashion is. But now, out of the blue, I see this article, and it lets me know all is right with the world ... finally.