I'm trying to watch the movie "Flaming Star" starring Elvis Presley. By "trying," I mean I watch some of it in the morning and evening while doing my exercises. So it might take a few days to get it accomplished ... if I do.
I'm a huge Elvis fan, but there's one thing I hate about the more serious movies he made. I hate seeing Elvis in trouble, being insulted, and hurt. Bah. I know he wanted to be a serious actor, but I prefer to see him on top of his game, even though even in the lighter movies he's still in some degree of a jam. A little conflict is necessary for every story, I know that.
I couldn't get through "Kid Galahad" because of some of this. And "King Creole," even though I watched it, I don't go for that too much. What I want to see in these movies is Elvis and Girls, Girls, Girls, get a lot of great songs, etc.
But this business in "Flaming Star" of him being a hated halfbreed in the old West, that's not my thing.