Sunday, July 26, 2009

How Quick An Accident Happens

I feel real safe driving around. I'm like a bird always looking for predators, always looking for other traffic, the other guy, etc.

(By the way, when I was coming home from the exercise place I saw a couple of people sauntering arm in arm slowly across the road. Traffic had to slow down to let them pass. I was thinking, What? A guy riding with me thought they were drunk. I thought maybe one of them was blind and the other was helping him. But when we passed it just looked like maybe they were in love and oblivious to what was going on.)

Back to the traffic. Anything can happen. But I'm hoping it doesn't.

A guy I know was crashed into this week, the side of his car. And it's a nice, fairly new car. He's just going through an intersection like normal when someone who claimed she looked for traffic just suddenly plowed into his side.

Once you have that enormous crunched in side it just stays that way, making a true mess of an otherwise beautiful car. And it has the potential to shake you up at the minimum and kill you at the max. Fortunately he wasn't injured.

But it makes you question your path. If I had waited 30 seconds longer before leaving, this would've never happened. All that.