Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Not Rich Till $5 Million Income

Here's our first kick rating. We could pick no better (worse) a recipient than the always deserving John McCain.

We're going to be merciful on this one because there was an element of joking in his answer. But he probably deserves an extra kick simply because of all the joking, since these are serious issues and serious issues ought to be addressed once in a while in a serious way. We're quite sick of McCain joking about everything. When does the guy get serious? Oh yeah, when Georgia's in trouble. But if America's in trouble, he's nothing but laughs.

Yet mercy shall prevail on this, our first kick rating. McCain, in a question on who's rich, expressed his opinion that you need an income of $5 million to be considered rich in America. So $4 million wouldn't qualify.

OK, how can the average guy relate to McCain, since we all know average incomes are well below $2 million a year? With an answer like this, McCain shows himself to be an out of touch elitist. For that reason, we approach McCain's wrinkly butt and swiftly apply three well deserved kicks. Count them as the foot makes contact with his bottom: 1 - 2 - 3. Not one over, not one under. Justice deserved, justice served.