Friday, June 6, 2008

Everything Zen

The blog's I've been checking out today seem to run the extreme of 1) being there forever, or 2) just being started.

I'm a sucka for anything with Zen in the title -- so here's one called Everything Zen. That's the title. I guess the blog URL is something else,

It's one that's just underway, with today having the first post, called, "From The Beginning."

From that: "Energy. Everything is energy. Everything passes along energy. Music passes energy from creator to listener, words from writer to reader. Our bodies create energy; so do our thoughts and actions. All that energy flows from us (ever wonder why throes of religious fervor - any religion - include hands in the air and head tilted back? It's the energy pouring out), and we can tap into the energy that surrounds us."

The writer, Brenda, offers this concerning her blog, "Where you'll find notes from my trip down the path of pagan faith and spirituality."

We'll check in once in a while!