Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A McCain Victory No Matter What

Hey, you remember how we had the Iraq war going along? Lots of senseless violence and terrible misery all those years? And our government was telling us it was going great? Then when it came time for "the surge," suddenly they admitted that it hadn't been going great then, but now with "the surge" a lot of important benchmarks would be met and we would make progress. But then, as before "the surge," when the benchmarks weren't met they told us again that things were going great. That's where we are today.

Back before, things weren't going great but they were. And now things aren't going great but they are. (Caution: If you choose to believe these people, don't be surprised when you later find out they were lying.)

John McCain is banking his presidential hopes on this very thing. Even if the war's not going great, he's going to say it is. No matter what. And by the time everyone realizes he was wrong again (or lying), you see, the election will be over.

So here's the point of my post today: Let's say John McCain loses the election by five points. Because he sees everything as going great even when it's not, he will think he won. You see? If he wins, he wins. If he loses, in his mind he still wins!