Monday, May 19, 2008

Mac vs. PC

I want to state this on the record as a true and accurate statement. I have never seen one of those Mac vs. PC commercials in its entirety. In fact I have never seen more than 10 seconds of one.

The very first one there was, of course at that time I had no idea that it was coming on. But as soon as I saw it -- instantly -- I recognized it for what it was going to be. The white, minimal background. The plaintive announcement of who they were. The supposedly trendy looking guy and the more slobular fellow. I immediately flipped the channel 10 seconds or less into it.

And ever since, as soon as I see the first second and can get to the remote that sucker goes off, or if there's no remote, I get my fingers in my ears, shut my eyes, and go "wahahahhahaaahaaaaa!," that, or whatever it takes to avoid seeing one of these commercials. Wow! I hate the concept. I hate everything about it.

So, I'm wondering. Are there any others out there who can say you have never seen one of these ads? Anyone who's only seen one or two? Anyone out there who is actually a fan of the Mac vs. PC commercials?