Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beer Diplomacy

This is a strange thing, President Obama and Vice President Biden sitting down for "beer diplomacy" with Professor Gates and the cop, Granger, Potter, whatever his name is, oh yeah, uhh, I forgot it again, oh, Crowley!

Imagine that. You arrest a guy in his own home and you end up going to the White House to meet the president. In that case I too need to do something totally lame. Pee on a fire hydrant or something. Then the president calls me "a stupid dog" on TV. Other people who pee on fire hydrants are outraged. So I end up having a beer with Obama on the White House lawn. It could happen. It's no stupider than this incident.

I need to take my dog out in the morning. Heh heh, so this is what I'll do. I know that our local version of Crowley comes by about 8:17 every morning. So I'll be stationed at the hydrant, my hand at the zipper. My dog will be watching me, also posed and ready, because she'd like to meet Bo the president's dog and share a bowl of water with him. As soon as we spot Officer Crowley... you get the idea. It'll be public urination! Guilty as charged! Man and dog, hydrant action!

There's only one intsy little problem. There's no news conferences with Obama scheduled insofar as I know. So for me to time it just right so that the president calls me "a stupid dog" on national TV is going to very tricky.

But sue me, I've always been an optimist. This is going to happen! I'm going to have beer with the president on the White House lawn! So I shall see you in the morning. And just to make double sure I'm ready for this, I'm going to drink an entire pot of coffee right before bed!

Postscript: After President Obama and I have our beers, guess what we're going to do? There must be plenty of hydrants near the White House.