Friday, February 20, 2009

Ice Cream Tastes Good

I've noticed that a close associate disagrees with everything I say. It makes me think the shivs are out.

I'm sitting around the table. We're trying to be agreeable in pursuit of our common purpose. But my ideas are the ones that are not good. What to do? Sometimes it's better to suffer in silence. Maybe be the martyr, innocent, who never saw it coming.

I'm wondering when the time is right to reduce it to what it is, being disagreeable for the sake of being disagreeable. There is a certain price to be paid for such action, though, and I'm never sure I want to pay it. For example, any social transgression, however slight, weighs in my thoughts for ages on end.

It's occurred to me that apparent absurdity is one proactive tact, because no one would get it. Just say "Ice cream tastes good." And when they started looking among themselves in perplexity, going "What?," you're like, "It's just something I think. Does anyone agree? Good, then, it wasn't just me."