Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nigerian News

Nigeria has their own Google News page. That's awesome. I wouldn't expect it.

I went there and was expecting to see a lot of headlines about "Local Millionaire Dies, Leaves Fortune To Random Morons In America," but it wasn't there.

There is an article about "looted funds," but it has to do with Switzerland and Nigeria in some kind of dispute.

What do you think of Nigeria? I'm dumb, what is there to think besides the usual internet money scams? Pop Answers' topic today was "Countries Other Than America" and Nigeria didn't come to mind. Maybe if the topic was "Countries To Strictly Avoid."

Hey, I'm broadminded, at least in my youth. I remember going to a Nigerian Independence Day party in the '70s. Attended by me, another American kid, and a whole roomful of Nigerians. It was memorable.