Sunday, February 8, 2009


Naps can be very refreshing or naps can be a pain. Especially if you take an overly long one, wake up, the day's wasted, and you don't feel any better.

I think I might have died today, that's how intense my nap was. But I woke up around an hour into it and thought it felt like six hours instead of one. That's when I should have gotten up, a signal moment of victory over the forces of sleep! But I succumbed back to whatever the dream was, and it turned out to be closer to three hours.

Now it's close to dark out, I'm sitting here alone, except for a few animals, and it feels like my regrets at an overly long nap are spoiling the goodness of the time both since and to come. That much more occur!

I could watch TV, but that's not always fun. Do this for a while, then do something else. I might go exercise. That's a discipline I need to be more disciplined at.