Monday, August 17, 2009

Another Guy With A Gun?

There another guy with a gun at one of these meetings where President Obama is, this time an assault rifle.

How in the world can this be legal? So you're telling me Lee Harvey Oswald was well within his rights to show up at Dealey Plaza with a gun? That he could've brought a cannon and set up on the street if he wanted?

When I've gone to see presidents and presidential candidates, the Secret Service (or someone) has been downright thorough about checking everyone's possessions, down to cameras and cellphones. I can only imagine what they would've said had I shown up with my hunting guns.

"Uh, sir, may we help you?"

"Yes, please help me up, now that you've wrestled me to the pavement and broken both arms."

Is there something, though, about having a Democratic president where we have to put up with this? I remember there was a deal in Denver during Bush's years where someone was hustled out for having an anti-Bush BUMPER STICKER on their car out in the parking lot. C'mon!

So a bumper sticker is a no-no, but a guy brings an assault rifle, that's OK?!