Thursday, August 13, 2009

Republican Prattling

I see Republicans very much up in arms -- literally in some cases! -- over health care reform and everything else.

They "don't see how it will do any good, blah blah blah." Socialism, lines in England, death panels. And endless such prattling.

I'm all in favor of citizens voicing their opinions. But we just had an election. And President Obama promised health care reform. That's what the country voted for. That's what we should get. That is democracy in action.

The Republicans lost the election big time. They had their time in office, and someday they probably will again. When they were in power, they did not give one iota of concern for what the Democrats' opinions were. They ramrodded through whatever they wanted. Whether by hook, crook, lying propaganda, or all three. They told us to sit down and shut up. That we were unpatriotic for thinking anything different.

Now of course they're making a big stink, because that's what they do. (It turns out that true patriots are supposed to speak up. How convenient!) It's weird they were willing to support any criminal activity that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney engaged in. But they blink at anything decent that President Obama wants to do. Literally choking over him! I'm not seeing principles here, just partisan opportunism.

If the Republicans wanted the same kind of disastrous government we had in the Bush years, they should've worked harder for Senator McCain. As it is now, we don't want to hear from you. That's the same treatment you gave us, you will recall.