Monday, August 24, 2009

The Lying Bush Administration

Attorney General Eric Holder is dipping his toe in an investigation of alleged Bush-era torture abuses. You know, possible crimes against humanity stuff. Nothing big.

It's .... about .... bleeping .... time. (Didn't the perps flee the scene back in January?)

But Ari Fleischer, one time press secretary to George W. Bush, said to the Huffington Post, "I think the decision is disgusting. It's amazing to me that the people who kept us safe may now become the people our government prosecutes."

"Kept us safe." Ha ha! Still beating that dead horse, huh? I don't remember asking the Bush administration to break the law. That's why we have laws. Thou shalt not. All that. If you're perverting our values as a nation... I guess there's no reason to shout at those who cannot hear. Ari doesn't have the right to tell us what's disgusting. We lived through those shameful Bush years. We know what's disgusting.

I heard a blurb on TV today where it was said we want to "look ahead, not back." OK. Remember that every time someone breaks the law. Everyone wants that same standard. "Your honor, I admit I robbed the bank, but, please, let's look ahead, not back."