Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Lengthy Afghanistan War

There's a poll that says people are turned off on the Afghanistan war.

Maybe they're just now realizing we're still over there, doing what? The little light clicked over my head the other day too when there was a report about the war on TV. I asked out loud, "We haven't won that war yet? What's going on?"

Why are these wars endless? It makes you wonder how World War II ever managed to be wrapped up so speedily. Wars these days are like highway construction. A guy goes on the crew right out of high school and he's 65 and retiring before they get the road open.

The Iraq war has been a stumper for me. The Iraqis had no army beyond the first day, no navy, no air force, no coast guard, no nothing. And we've been over there since 2003! Hitler had an army, a navy, an air force, and we beat him in less time. Hitler! Whose name is synonymous with the baddest ass ever! He was evil, I'll give him that. He just didn't know how to pace it.

We're fighting these wars -- I'm convinced of it -- just to keep the military contractors happy. It's all wink-wink, put in another division.