Monday, August 10, 2009

Picked Up My Guitar

I have some guitar playing I need to do coming up. No major gig, since I'm actually no good. But I'm good enough once in a while for groups of people to sing to. If I practice like crazy and have the music in the few chords that I know.

So I started working on it today, because I haven't played the thing for a month or so. It just sits there. And that means my fingers lose whatever minor callousing I had. So I was messing with it today. My guitar sounds bad because the strings are old. But I hate changing them.

I've been thinking of getting a new guitar. But I hate to spend the money right now. It's something I've been thinking about for over 10 years, so maybe in another 10 I'll get one!

I was working out the chords for a few songs. I had to essentially learn a few new chords, a couple anyway. And I still haven't quite got them. My fingers hurt and I'm making slow progress. But by the time I need to do it I'm sure I'll be good enough to stumble my way through.

It'd be great to be a good guitarist. I picked it up 40 years ago, was never any good. Then I made one giant leap somewhere along the way and could do the chords I know pretty well, hitting the bass string, all that. But after that giant leap I never made any more progress. Not that I work at it very hard. So that's probably the problem.