Friday, September 11, 2009

The Beatles' Set Not Numbered

Back in July when I ordered the Beatles' mono CD set, they said at Amazon it'd be a limited edition of 10,000 and numbered. I wrote about it at the time, wondering what number I'd get.

So yesterday when I got my set in the delivery, the first thing I did was to get the mono box out and see what number I had. Hmm, no number on the outside, must be inside. How tricky, I assumed, because no one can keep their copy sealed because they'll never know what number they got.

But inside ... no number either. So I figured I personally got screwed. Which didn't make any sense. But who knows? I'd heard later there was 13,000 copies for the U.S. market, which would mean 3,000 on top of the 10,000 numbered copies.

Checking around, though, I now read there's no numbered sets! They decided it wasn't "feasible." OK, jokers, you make a decision like that before you advertise they're going to be numbered. Or is marketing just not your thing? This was a major disappointment. But at least we're all in the same boat. And it takes away the conundrum of what I would've done if I had a real low number, etc.

Still, I think we deserve something for the letdown, getting screwed over like this.

I think I deserve an all-expenses paid trip to England, to hang out with Paul and Ringo for a week. We'll rent a bus, fill it with eccentric people, and travel around England, filming our adventures. Only then will I be happy. And maybe a few concert tickets, with backstage passes. And some holographic visits with John and George from wherever they are.

Don't let me down! Don't - let - me - down!