Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Michelle Bachmann's Slitting Her Wrist

I don't know if I've heard anything this crazy in a long time. And believe me, I'm listening!

But maybe the craziness factor is compounded by the fact that this is from a Congressperson. Who, at least at some point in my past, I always figured to be at least semi-sane.

Minnesota's favorite daughter, Michelle Bachmann, though, is setting a new low for the reputation of members of Congress. She is so loony it's scary. This is no longer funny performance art -- I try to be generous. She has passed over into something so bizarre even Sarah Palin's shaking her head.

What did she say now? How about this:
"What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn't pass."
She's talking about healthcare reform. Isn't that weird? You know, she cuts her wrists, the first thing they'll do is rush her to the hospital. And being a Congressperson, having government health insurance, we'll be paying for her recovery. There's some irony there!