Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dogs Live So In The Moment

I took my dog to a scenic place today, so I could get some photos of the first day of Fall.

She had no idea where we were going, of course, since we rarely go there. And since it's a little far, she took the trip with some resentment, since she doesn't like riding in the car long distances.

But when we got there, she was very happy. Frolicking happy. And I'm snap, snap, snapping my pictures and enjoying it myself.

We left and got home, and, as far as I know, that's it for her. There's no hashing it out in her memory, nothing she can say. It was happening now ... but now has moved on.

I, on the other hand, needed to look at the pictures, reduce a few, crop one or two. And I'm definitely still thinking of it.

Happy Fall!