Friday, September 4, 2009

The Old Clock On The Wall

The other day my clock on the wall was suddenly not working. And since they're very simple to operate, unlike a computer where a million things can go wrong, if you change the battery, it's likely you've fixed it. That's what I did and it took off.

But it made me think. It seems like it used to be you'd put a battery in a clock and it'd run about forever. Because it's sucking very little power out everyday. But it seems like I've been changing batteries in various clocks around the house more frequently.

I even have one of those optical mouses now, never having had one before like 6 months ago. And the batteries wear out in it pretty frequently too. The other day my mouse function just suddenly quit working. I thought it was a computer problem, but flipped the mouse over and the red light was out. This is probably the third time I've changed batteries in it. I can't believe it wears out so fast.