Sunday, September 6, 2009

Visiting The Cemetery

I was out tonight with the dog and decided to buzz by one of the local cemeteries and check in on some friends of mine buried there.

I left the dog in the car so she wouldn't be desecrating any graves in her own special way. I think that's wise.

And there were my friends' graves, looking good. I got out and looked at the tombstone, thinking of the passage of time since they died, and thinking over the things we shared when they were alive. It's hard to believe, sometime, the passage of time, and how fast it seems to go.

Then on my way out, I almost stopped at another old friend's grave. I believe she died in 2005. I got very close but didn't want to turn the car off and walk over. So I just looked in the general direction but couldn't see the tombstone. Next time!

There's a lot of interesting tombstones. A lot of them have seen better days. Like the folks under them.