Friday, February 19, 2010

The Cat Survived

The other day I wrote about my cat, who I expected would not make it. I figured when she went to the vet that they'd put her "to sleep," but it turned out that she came home.

I was resigned to the fact that she'd probably die. But of course it would good to hear that she was in health at least good enough to continue being a cat. To get a $140 bill to prove it wasn't a good feeling, but life sometimes comes with a price tag.

As to what to do differently, we got four cans of food, that somehow we were supposed to feed her. The complication is that there's another cat who wants it. Then the other cat's food is there. And the cat who went to the vet wants to eat it, etc. Plus, four cans of food isn't going to cure anything. So we should either have a bigger supply of the food or forget it.

I don't know what to do. I guess we'll let her eat what she wants. And die when she dies. And in the meantime, live.