Friday, February 12, 2010

My Valentine's Day Plans

Well ...

I've been thinking about Valentine's Day coming up. And that means it's time to go by something for my dear bride. We were looking at the Valentine's teddy bears at Walmart the other day and she acted like she'd like one. But I don't know. I don't think a teddy bear is that romantic to have lying around forever, one holding a big red heart.

I'd prefer something small, something that an be tucked away in a drawer in the off season, which is 364 days of the year. Valentine's Day doesn't really have any big build-up that I notice, nor does it after an afterglow. It's there that one day, it's over and done with, and that's it.

Candy is really the perfect gift. You get it, you gobble it down. There's nothing to see the rest of the year.

When I was cleaning up the house before Christmas, I threw away the Easter baskets and grass. Even though I knew Easter is coming again, and there's no good reason not to be recycling the grass from year to year. But it's depressing to look at, plus, that's kind of pathetic, recycling Easter grass year to year. But it would've been the frugal thing to do, no doubt.

I will of course get her a nice card. So maybe while I'm at the card store -- and in my opinion (as a man) what they sell is mostly crap, besides cards -- I can find some little thing she'd like.

Oh, the holidays! And the expectations.