Monday, February 22, 2010

My Fast Eating Dog

I went out to eat tonight, this evening, getting the "Early Bird Special," just like on Seinfeld.

I'm almost getting old enough to qualify for the Senior Discount -- in fact I think I am old enough some places -- so I ought to hike my belt line up around my nipples and I'll be all set.

I got the seven ounce sirloin, which was very very good. I asked for medium and it was more like rare, which is still to my liking. I like the look of that redness in there ... maybe not super rare, though. It's very primal, eating something that's barely dead. Of course it's literally dead.

I could've eaten the whole thing. Seven ounces isn't enormous. But I started thinking of my dog at home, and how much I knew she'd appreciate having a piece of this. So I cut the remainder into tiny pieces. Otherwise she'd just wolf it down in one gulp if it was one piece.

We got home and the dog knew there was something delicious, the odor wafting in the air. She was very attentive and happy. I put the pieces, at least 10-12 little pieces, in her bowl, and she went to wolfing. She had them in her belly within 20 seconds.

The dog will not stop to enjoy anything. That is so weird. She just inhales it and it's gone.