Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One Of My Cats Is Nearing The End

I have a terrible feeling that one of my cats is nearing the end of her life. But rather than her just lingering and dying, it could be that we will have to take her to the vet for the end.

She'd be 15 sometime around May through July. But recently, for quite a while maybe, she's been losing weight. She's very skinny. Plus she vomits daily and more than once.

Yet she doesn't act like she's in any pain or discomfort. She eats like normal. She just doesn't keep anything down.

Anyway, she's going to the vet in a couple of days (Thursday) to be checked out, and we'll see what happens from there. She's been a decent pet and friend to us. She has a funny little trait that she's known for. If we say her name, she'll open her mouth like a meow but sometimes no noise comes out. She'll only do it the first time.