Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Future Shock

I'm looking at some future Future Shock for myself, which I hope won't be so bad. Anytime your life is in a state of transition, the unknown rises up like a big double fanged monster with blood dripping fingernails. "I'm gonna getcha!"

Again, I hope not.

We get the whole "One Day at a Time" arrangement, so it's a matter of stepping through, planning, keeping mum at the appropriate places, and letting things work out, with all due diligence of course.

We'll see what the future holds. Because, like Criswell says in "Plan 9 From Outer Space," that's where we're all going to spend the rest of our lives. If the past is any guide, I'll be able to look back on it from a perspective of what was future being accomplished and me ultimately being OK. Ultimately being OK, that is, until I'm not, when I'm six feet under. And even then I think I'll be OK.

We shall see. Future shock? I hope not. Future blessing, more desired.

I don't like having a queasy feeling in my gut. I need to do some kind of discipline thing to overcome that.