Friday, January 16, 2009

Domestic Squabbles

I know of a case, a domestic violence, police having to step in, case. It seems like it's everyday you hear of another one, people cutting each other, biting each other, holding their loved ones hostage. It's enough to make you want to throw a skillet at someone, that these morons can't live together and get along.

What ever happened to the notion that your freedom ends at the beginning of someone else's nose, or other piece of skin? You can't be jumping on someone, holding them down, choking them, trying to smother them with their head buried in a couch. Someone's going to hear you screaming and call the police, then they're going to cart your idiotic butt to jail. Or the other person's going to get up and make the call. Then you're breathing heavily in the kitchen, trying to put things away, and a swat team comes busting in the door.

That's the danger of cell phones. Your loved ones can be in the next room turning you in. At least with landbased phones, you could always pull it out of the wall and barricade the door. The best policy is to not let it get that far. Count to 10. Leave the building. Bite your tongue. Shut up. Don't let it build.

The situation I know about went the usual direction, meaning restraining or no contact orders, forced separation, then a short squabble over who could stay at the home, then ... and here's where innocent parties come in, with needing things now that the other person cleaned out the home. "She took your things? Call the police." But the police know and call it a civil matter, meaning anyone could come in and take your things, it's a civil matter.

Again, that leaves us innocent parties, who had nothing to do with it, called upon to help pick up the pieces ... or actually to furnish new pieces. It's disgusting.