Friday, March 13, 2009

I Don't Know About This Poll

They have a new favorability/unfavorability poll at Daily Kos. And according to it 9% of the respondents don't know George W. Bush. DemFromCT also questions that. Where could these people be, and how did they happen to get sampled for the poll?

Some of the other unknowns probably aren't that surprising? I hear about Jon Stewart about everyday but I never hear people talking about him, or rarely. So he's unknown by 67%, and Stephen Colbert by 76%. Bernie Madoff ties with Colbert at 76%. I don't know much about him, except what's been in the news recently, and I haven't been paying close attention.

The main point seems to be that right-wing nut cases have the lowest unfavorability. So that's great news.

The Democratic party has a 55% approval, the GOP is barely holding the dead-enders at 29%.

Who says there's no good news?