Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Missed American Idol

Boo-hoo. I had another appointment, social responsibility to tend to tonight, so I missed my weekly fix of American Idol.

We still use a VCR -- and something funky happened to the soundtrack, so that's no good.

I've already read a few recaps of it and I was home in time to see the final performance (Kris Allen) and the tiny snippet from everyone's song.

I backed it up and watched Adam and heard him a little bit, the sound wavering in and out of audibility. That sucks.

I checked his performance out at You Tube. But the good video of the performance didn't have sound, because of some alleged copyright violation. And there was one that was just a still picture of him that had good sound. So, if somehow I could put those together, I'd have it. I tried but it didn't match up. Better than nothing!

He did a knock out job on the song, even though I don't care for the song. But it gave him a chance to stretch out and let it rip, so that was good.

Hoping he goes all the way. It sounds like there was enough bad ones, or ones that got negative remarks from the judges, that we'll have a nice elimination tomorrow. Megan perhaps.