Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Very Glad To Meet You

I met a guy at my office today. He was in the hallway, looking for someone, and he found me.

It turned out we had certain things in common, places we've lived, landmarks we knew in common, even places we've worked. I started interviewing him, kind of like the guy used to do on C-SPAN, Brian Lamb. About trivia, like where he lived, how he trained for his job, and so forth.

I don't know completely what the guy thought. Maybe how odd it was for me to be so happy to meet him. Whatever he was up to, probably most people either say "Go away" or are nice to him so he'll leave more quickly.

I was feeling self-conscious about it, too, thinking how fun it felt to be completely nice to someone. It's not like a telemarketer or someone out to get you. This is was something pleasant and very human.