Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Nag Hammadi Library

I've had this book around for quiet a while, "The Nag Hammadi Library," with James M. Robinson as the general editor. I've read parts of it -- I've given it a go a few times -- but usually end up doing something else. But it's a subject I'm interested in, so I'm giving it another try.

A few years ago I read practically the whole thing of another volume (not identical by any means) of some of the same documents, "The Gnostic Scriptures" with Bentley Layton as the editor, commentator, or whatever. Somehow, though, I don't retain what I read, except the general outlines of it, the basic myth. I'd like to be one of those guys who can hear something from one of the books and go, "Oh, that's such and such a book," like with real understanding of it. Not just trivia.

I like religious/spiritual writings, and there's something about these people doing their own thing that's very appealing. I saw a website a couple days ago -- called Aeon Byte, and it reminded me of my ever fluctuating interest in such things. They seem to really have something going on over there, with a radio-type of show, 120-some shows archived and for sale at a fairly cheap price. That's impressive. Interviews, whatever.

Anyway, the need for more indepth study of interests is a need I am perceiving. So I'm giving it a go. I read the introduction -- I'd read parts of it before -- to this Robinson book. And the Gospel of Thomas through again. This is stuff a person should know! Fascinating stuff.