Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Candy

I'm usually a cheapskate when it comes to buying candy. I have fairly good discipline in not buying it, unless I can get a good deal on it. I'm cheap!

But at Christmas, when you're putting it on the table for guests, it's nice to splurge. And buy the stuff that I wouldn't ordinarily buy, the premo stuff, like, Ghirardelli -- I had to go get a piece just to know how to spell it.

It's beautiful stuff. The various Hershey Kisses, which I also will not buy through the rest of the year. One, I don't like having to unwrap the little things just to have a tiny piece of chocolate. I prefer the bigger, more economical gigantic candy bars they put out.

I didn't get any of the hard, traditional candy yet this year. One year I got some and froze it and was eating it in July. Even then, though, it got sticky when it thawed out.

I had some cherry chocolates yesterday. It's nice to have a few of them at Christmas. Then I can't find them the rest of the year.

Of course none of it's good for you ... but it's Christmas!

We used to leave cherry chocolates out for Santa when I was a kid. And I don't remember him ever leaving any behind. So if they're good enough for Santa ... they're good enough for me!