Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Shopping Is Finished

It's a good feeling to be done for another year. It's kind of like getting done with your income tax forms in April, the feeling that it's done for a whole 'nother year.

I finished up today, getting a few stocking stuffers for a loved one. Others of the family, we ordered their stuff online and everything came, the last things today.

One of the postmen came over after hours to tell me that a package belonging to me had fallen down behind some stuff and he wanted to make sure I got it today. That was great. He'd already had a busy day, but to think that he took the time to do that for me, it touched me. What a nice gesture.

The benefit of him doing that meant that the very last presents purchased were in place. They could be wrapped and put under the tree.

It's quite a holiday. Too bad we didn't settle on a $5 gift exchange. It's a lot more lavish than that. I'll pay for it in January.

Like Bob Cratchit, we're making rather merry!