Saturday, December 19, 2009


I had some "milknog" today, I believe for the first time ever. I don't remember hearing about it before, so it might be a new development in the conjuring up of different drinks for the consumer market.

But it's good, being nothing more than a mixture of milk and eggnog, probably half of one and half of the other. So it's milky with an eggnog taste to it.

I also had some straight eggnog, a great drink of the season. Why it's restricted to the Christmas season, I don't know, since it seems like it'd be delicious anytime. But who am I to question tradition?

It seems like I didn't drink eggnog until maybe in the last 10 years sometime. For whatever reason. I guess I figured I wouldn't like it. Maybe it's been in the last 15 years. The exact dates escape me.

It turned out that eggnog was also delicious. Although sometimes it seems to go straight to my head. I haven't had that happen this year, but last year I remember feeling dizzy, slightly overwhelmed by it. Like it was too rich for my sensibilities at the time.