Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Birds Learning To Fly

It's nailbite city here with the birds learning to fly. I think there's all these millions of birds out in nature doing whatever, why should I care what happens to the ones right around here?

But it's been a busy time with the baby birds being kicked out of the nest, then flopping around and not knowing what to do. The parents seem beside themselves, raising a racket, acting crazy when we're out there.

My dog attacked a baby bird, which I didn't know was going to happen or it wouldn't have. But it looked like the bird got away with no serious damage. I pulled the leash right away. Except then he wasn't flying, just hanging around. At one point it looked like he was stuck by the garage. So I went out and he flew back into the open where the parents could see him.

Today there was one that looked like he was stuck in the fence. So I went nearby and my being close scared him into getting away. Then I was away and came home. There was a rabbit jumping in front of the car, like he never would veer off. And all of a sudden a baby bird jumps up and hits the front of the car and I don't know what happened. It looked like he went to the left, and I went over there later and he wasn't anywhere around.

But they're out there, by the windows, on the fence, and the parents are busy squawking, so it's a very trying time for them. Good thing there aren't that many cats out or there'd be no survivors.

Flying is a great ability to have. Too bad they have to learn and get geared up for it.