Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Final Four

It might be time for me to junk my VCR. I know I'm the last guy who has one.

Every time I record American Idol to watch it later, it seems, there's something wrong. Last night I came home to watch it and the sound wasn't there. Something wrong with the VCR apparently, since the sound was working when I left home.

So I had to watch blurry, bad little snippets at You Tube. What? People are just holding cameras up to their TV, then talking while they're recording. One of the snippets I watched had the camera guy making smart remarks at the judges, the contestants, whatever. Really, nobody wants that.

Anyway, it looks like I might actually be able to watch the results tonight. Including a performance by Chris Daughtry, so that'll be cool. He was voted off as the fourth of the final four, so it's fitting that he comes back for tonight.

I'm hoping Adam stays of course. Anyone else can go, preferably Danny or Kris, my preference being in that order.