Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kris and Adam

I don't know if the foreordained-to-win Adam has it in the bag. I hope he does but I'm a natural pessimist when it comes to stuff I want. It takes some of the fun out of watching it. I prefer things after they're over and we've got the results.

But it seems to me that people would prefer Adam, generally. He's got super looks, a dynamic attitude, a great voice, etc. He's a knockout. I remember when I first saw one glimpse of him, I said I like that guy. And I haven't shifted from that for one second.

Liking someone so much, just like I said above, takes the fun out of watching it. Because it automatically made everyone else on the show, even from the beginning, a second class citizen. All I could see or hear in their performances -- not 100% of course -- was that they weren't as good. So you have a perfectly good guy, Danny Gokey, with a great family, a great voice, all the rest. And I wasn't able to warm up to him in the slightest because of this.

Even Kris. People talk about how "awesome" he is, and I'm like, What? Awesome? No way. But I guess he is pretty awesome, in a way. He can sing in a way that pleases people. He seems real good at playing instruments, the piano, the guitar. He has confidence to be out there. And somehow he ended up in the final two, so he's no slouch. Maybe I will grow to like him after this is all over.

But for now, it has to be Adam. Get him in there as the winner, then we can go back and like these other guys too.

Now, about Katy Perry, I thought that was stunning, the way she came out with the cape with Adam's name on it. I don't know how fair that was precisely, probably not very. I liked it -- don't get me wrong -- but you'd think American Idol the show would at least try to regulate too much favoritism.

All in all it was a beautiful thing. I loved it.