Friday, May 22, 2009

No More American Idol

Do you believe I'm off American Idol? That I'm not going to watch it anymore? That's true.

That's how peeved I am that they couldn't find a way to make Adam Lambert the winner. And when I quit watching something, it's not only dead to me, as far as I know it's dead.

Take Survivor for an example. Survivor is dead to me. Not through any offense they committed, unlike American Idol, but just out of boredom with it. I was having a hard time getting interested. It would take me up to about the seventh week to know the people's names, etc. Then it was the same old same old same old same old .... all the time.

So one day I said That's it, and I quit watching it, and I never went back. And since the CBS station is only on at our house once in a blue moon (this is true), I never seen promos for it or anything. Somewhere online one day I think I saw evidence that Survivor is still on.

American Idol ... it's had its day as far as I'm concerned. I liked it. I started watching it in like the fourth season. Whichever season V___ Solomon (she was a woman contestant) was on. She was the first person I saw singing on American Idol. I think her name was Vonselle. I liked her right away but she didn't make it too far.

Since then I've been a regular viewer, even though they do tend to get a few duds in there. I actually thought Kris Allen was one of the duds along the way, but he surprised me by hanging on and eventually winning. I still think he's a dud ... but a lot of people like him.

So that's it. When I quit something, it's quit. Cold turkey, no need for nicotine patches. It's all willpower and determination.