Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dynamic Tension

I had to make some cupcakes for an upcoming event. That meant sitting around waiting for the oven timer to go off. And with the stove on I don't like to stray very far, in case there's a problem, and also so I won't forget and burn the place down.

There's a stack of old Popular Mechanics type of magazines that I'm wondering what to do with. I have them but not any big interest in them. But I sat and glanced through one, which was the issue from Aug. 1951. There's a big story in there about owners rating the 1951 Cadillac. Also a story -- with the cover illustration -- about a guy who makes war scenes and adventure scenes happen for movies.

The cover illustration is of some guys cutting through the enemy's anti-submarine netting, probably to do some kind of sabotage against them.

In these old magazines, of course, even the ads are interesting. Maybe more interesting than the articles. There's a one column, full page length ad for Charles Atlas, in which he mentions his famous "Dynamic Tension" method of building your body. Which made me need to listen to "I Can Make You A Man" on the Ipod from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. In this particular ad, though, the weakling is 97-pounds and not 98.