Sunday, May 17, 2009

Boy Leg

Do I really have a blog called "Boy Leg"?

I must be living in a haze today. It just strikes me as funny that there's a blog on my list called that.

And yet of course I know it's there. What a weird name. I was with a dear loved one of mine one day while she was buying underwear and there was some called "boy leg cut" and I thought hmmm. I didn't originally know that but I've seen it referred to since, then that day as well.

What makes it boy leg underwear, I have learned, is that it's got a straight leg line across instead of going up with a V. So I'm learning things all the time.

It's been a weird day, topped off by an angry family member calling me, getting mad and hanging up. So everything is looking weird in the light of such shenanigans.