Thursday, May 7, 2009

Exercising My Boy Legs

I was at the exercise place. I try to go nearly everyday but I've sloughed off a little bit. I need to crank it up a bit because I have a doctor's appointment in a month or two and I want to be able to show some progress. Not that I get a discount for it, but the healthier I am the fewer visits I need to make and the more money I save in the long run.

Eventually I'm going to die, like most people my age, so it's not like it's going to pay eternal dividends. But between now and then I can at least prolong the time and make it later rather than sooner. Then the older I get the older I'll be and obviously still alive until the time that I actually do die.

I was there, as I was saying, and did my treadmill. Huff puff. I went the whole stretch like I usually do, which was 15 minutes plus 3 minutes cool down. I did a weights thing, 70 pounds at a pop, and I don't know how many I did, but maybe 20 or more. I don't like to count because then I set an actual goal and start figuring up percentages finished and how many to go, etc. So I do anything I can to lose count, which usually means looking up at a TV.

There was a baseball game on and a guy in the audience caught a foul ball. The camera zeroed in on him for about eight seconds and it made me think of that scene in Seinfeld where George is eating a hot fudge sundae while the camera's on him at a tennis match. Fortunately for this guy he wasn't eating anything, just sitting there very demurely with a kid.

I saw the usual crowd -- I guess they were mostly different folks -- with the personal trainer guy. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Please. Be independent. No one needs this guy telling you what to do. Ugh, I can't imagine. Actually I can imagine. Let's say you go to him 10 times. He knows your name, etc. Then you drop off, but you still show up to exercise. He'd be looking at you, calling you by name, wondering how it's going, not saying it but wondering why you dropped him. Did I do something wrong? Did I overwork you, underwork you? Don't you know I need to eat too? I need money. As far as I'm concerned, once you start with him you have to keep going. No dropping. Pretty soon you really want to escape his clutches, so you have to drop out of that health club and go to another.

As far as I'm concerned it's best just to ignore the guy himself and hope he eventually goes away. So I don't have to think about all these social conundrums.