Friday, October 9, 2009

Another 9/11 Would Perk The Republicans Up

We know the Republicans won't be happy with anything good that happens for America while Barack Obama is president.

They're against any positive legislation, against the Olympics, against the Nobel Peace Prize. We'll surely be hearing from them soon that Thanksgiving and Christmas should be canceled.

So what's it going to take to bring a rosy hue back to their cheeks? I think it would take something massive. Perhaps a terrorist strike. I'm sure they'd love that! The worse the better.

Then we'd be able to see Dick Cheney make one of his glorious appearances. Saying in his best Penguin voice, "Wah, wah, I told you so."

Another full blown, all out 9/11 attack would definitely pluck their heart strings -- we have to think -- and put a bounce back in their step.

Anything that is bad for America, that's what the Republicans want. You know they're rooting for worse unemployment numbers. They really are.

They'd love to see the stock market crash. The Black Plague would be good.

If somehow butterflies might be killed off just before spring and the swallows didn't return to Capistrano, that would be a plus.