Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conservatives Don't Love Mary's Baby

I thought conservatives liked babies. Bundles of joy. Gifts from God. A miracle, each one. Five toes each foot. Fingers, also five each hand. And so forth.

Everything's good about a baby, except the stuff that's not good. Like the 3 a.m. feedings and all the diaper changes. Crying isn't that great. Bilirubin. Heat lamps.

But now they're criticizing Dick Cheney's daughter Mary for being pregnant. So it's not quite as good a miracle when the mother is a lesbian. One wrote:
I respect Dick Cheney, but I don't understand why he is allowing his daughter to take innocent children into her lesbianic home. Can anyone claim that these kids won't be scarred for life? So sad.
That makes it sound like she's adopting. But I checked around and I hadn't read it wrong. There's places that says she's adopting.

And as to Dick "allowing" his daughter to do anything, I believe she's an adult.