Monday, October 19, 2009

The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce

I saw the video where The Yes Men punk'd the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, by posing as Chamber officials to say the Chamber was reversing their positions on global warming and doing something about it.

It was hilarious. Then it ends with this actual Chamber official showing up to stop the whole thing.

It's thought provoking though. Why in the world would the Chamber of Commerce be against doing something about global warming and climate change? Do they have some other planet they're planning on settling to carry on their work? Or is this planet -- Planet Earth -- the only one they have in mind?

It's astounding to me that anyone -- left, right, conservative, liberal -- would be against doing something to make the world a better place for us and our children to live.

But the Chamber of Commerce -- aren't they usually thought of as responsible citizens? I thought so.