Monday, January 18, 2010

Exercising Tonight

I went to the exercise club tonight. People must still be in the grip of their New Years' resolutions, because there was a ton of people there. Trying to slim down to a half ton.

All the ellipticals were taken, a rare occurrence for me. So I worked out on the treadmill. I probably shouldn't even say "worked out" because I was only up there 10 minutes. Then I wanted to get home. So I figured some was better than none. A good philosophy.

It was funny. I was listening to my iPod. Then I remembered something I saw on YouTube and wanted to watch it (mostly listen to it) while treadmilling. So I was trying to type it in with the little keyboard and couldn't get two letters in a row right. I was trying to type "Bing Day," but I got Bo ... Bu ... Then Bjng, so I had to back up, and finally I got Bi and accidentally hit the enter button and it started searching for whatever would've come up with Bi. I went back to the music!

It was a decent time. I worked up a sweat.