Friday, January 22, 2010

Watching "Spinout"

I finished off "Double Trouble" and proceeded to pop the DVD of "Spinout" into my player. Elvis movies, of course.

I like "Spinout." I've seen it a couple times, but still I forget some things about it until it comes along again. I think Deborah Walley was as cute as can be. She plays Elvis' drummer. The rest of his band is two guys who each play guitar and horns when needed. They're not really playing, of course, but they don't really look convincing on TV as a fake band.

I think the band is called "1+2+½." I don't know who's who there. Is Elvis the 1? And the two guys the 2? Leaving Deborah Walley to be ½? That doesn't sound right.

There's some good songs on "Spinout." And it is really really cute seeing Deborah working the drums. I like watching her about as much as watching Elvis.

I looked her up on Wikipedia one time and as I recall she died of something.