Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kramer Hair

I'm thinking these days I seem to be getting Kramer hair.

I wake up in the morning and I come to the computer. Before the computer pops on I can see my reflection in the black screen and it's sticking way up like that.

The problem is I'm always getting thinner on top, so the hair doesn't have as any companions to weigh it down. Meaning it goes up, in clear defiance of gravity.

I'm usually careful to take a comb to it before I go in public. But there is one thing I do in the morning and I'm not always so careful, and that's to take the dog out. I just make sure my sweatshirt hat is pulled up.

I always thought Kramer looked pretty cool (in a doofus way) with his hair sticking up. But in real life, I don't know. It has its downside in appearance.