Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another Rough Day Moving

I have so many terrible possessions and I'm getting ready to move. So I spent almost the whole day going through crap and packing, in addition to carrying trash to my garage to be disposed of Friday, if we can find a landfill big enough to handle it all.

Essentially I have 11+ years of stuff from my basement that's more or less garbage by now. My garage itself had lots of garbage stuff and stuff that became garbage from various environmental elements in a garage. So I have Mount Garbage in my garage. The guy's who's going to help me on Friday is going to have a heart attack when he sees it all. I'm afraid to open the door for him!

I have a new vow, which I made yesterday or the day before, that Never again! Once I get moved I'm going to make an ongoing effort to dispose of the stuff I already have, while it's good, so that someday when I retire and move again it won't require a herculean effort. It's ridiculous how much stuff I have. I'm overwhelmed with stuff! I'm so ashamed, and I'm not kidding when I say that.

Just the stuff I'm taking with me is a mountain. I hope it all fits in the truck.